Click Here : Guidelines for the Undergraduate Research Project – (2019 – 2020) Academic Year
Click Here : UG student allocation List – Ayurveda
Click Here: UG student allocation List – Unani
Click Here : Deadline
The library of the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo was founded in 1929, the same year that the Ayurveda College was inaugurated. This Library is the oldest and the largest Ayurveda medical library in Sri Lanka. It is housed in the last block of the old building of the institute. Access to the library is through the main entrance of the building which is just close to the Department of MoulikaSiddhantha. The Library mainly contains books and periodicals in Ayurveda, Unani, Indigenous Medicine and other medical sciences. It consists of Permanent Reference Section, Reference Section, Lending Section, Periodicals Section, Ola Leaf Manuscripts Section, Archival Section, Photo-coping Section and the Bindery. The seating capacity of the library is 200. The library expanded its services to meet information requirements of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students and also Academic and Non-academic staff.
This is one of the member libraries of Health Literature Libraries and Information Services Network (HeLLIS) and Sri Lanka Scientific & Technological Information Network (SLSTINET).
Faculty Library (Click Here)
Main Library (Click Here)
University of Colombo collaborates with relevant companies to offer various online work environments for all faculty, students, and staff to simplify their digital life. Now they are privileged to access a wide range of applications and services by logging in with their university email address.
- LMS (Click Here)
- Results Portal (Click Here)