Intended Learning Outcomes of the Elective Program
- To increase knowledge, skills and attitudes in an area of interest
- To critically evaluate the area of interest selected for the elective
- To suggest one’s own solutions to the problems / issues identified based on critical evaluation
- To take responsibility for one’s own learning
- To broaden own perspective of life
Eligibility for admission
The elective program at the faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo is administered by the Deans office and coordinated by the faculty coordinator of the International Unit, University of Colombo. Students that are registered to a recognized Ayurveda medical or allied health science degree in an overseas university or medical school are eligible to apply.
The applicant should possess basic knowledge and prior experience in the discipline in which he/she has applied to do an elective.
A supporting letter from Dean/Director or a competent authority of the registered institute should be sent along with the application.
Elective Placement Programs for Overseas Medical Students
Department of Kayachikitsa and Deshiya Chikitsa (Department of Ayurveda Medicine and Indigenous Medicine)
1. Kaya Chikitsa (Ayurveda general Medicine)
2. Nidana muladharma / Vikriti Vignana (Ayurveda Pathology)
3. Chikitsa muladharma and Panchakarma (Fundamentals of Therapeutics and Panchakarma)
4. Deshiya Chikitsa (Indigenous medicine of Sri Lanka)
Department of Shalya Shalakya and Prasutitantra Kaumarabhrithya (Department of Ayurveda Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology and Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics)
1. Balaroga (Ayurveda Pediatrics)
2. Streeroga Prasuthithntra (Ayurveda Gynecology and Obstetrics)
3. Shalya (Ayurveda surgery)
4. Shalakya ((Diseases of Head and Neck including Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose, Throat and Dentistry)
Department of Dravyaguna Vignana and Swasthavritta (Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, and Community Medicine)
1. Dravyaguna Vignana (Ayurveda Pharmacology and Therapeutics )
2. Bahisajja Kalpana (Ayurveda Pharmaceutics)
3. Rasa shastra (Alchemy)
4. Herbal drug standardization, research and development
5. Pharmacovigilance and Drug safety
6. Swastavrutta & Yoga (Ayurveda Community Medicine),
7. Agada tantra and Voharikavadya (Toxicology and forensic medicine)
Department of Maulika Siddhanta and Shareera Vignana (Department of Basic Principles, Ayurveda Anatomy, and Physiology)
1. Sharira Rachana (Anatomy, including cadaver dissection)
2. Shareera Kriya (Physiology and Biochemistry)
3. Padartha Vignana (Ontology) and Ayurveda Itihasa (History of Ayurveda)
4. Sanskrit
5. Maulika Siddhanta and Samhita (Basic Principles of Ayurveda)
Department of Moalejat (Department of Unani Clinical Medicine)
1. Moalejat (General Medicine)
2. Ilmul Jarahat (General Surgery)
3. Amraz e Ain, Anf, Uzn, va Halq (Diseases of Head and Neck including Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose, Throat and Dentistry)
4. Amraz e Niswan va Qabalat (Gynaecology and Obstetrics)
5. Ilmul Atfal (Paediatrics)
6. Deshi Ilaj (Indigenous Medicine)
Department of Ilmul Advia (Department of Unani Pharmacology) Mufrad Advia (Unani Pharmacology)
1. Dawa Sazi (Unani Pharmaceuticals)
2. Kushta Sazi (Alchemy)
3. Tahaffuzi Va Samaji Tibb (Preventive and Social Medicine)
4. Ilmus Sumoom va Tibbe Qanoon (Toxicology and Forensic Medicine)
5. Usool e Tashkhees, Sareeriyat va Ilmul Amraz (Unani Pathology)
6. Kulliyat e Ilaj (Fundamentals of Therapeutics)
7. Falsafa, Tareekh e Tibb va Akhlaqiyya (Ontology and History of Medicine)
8. Urdu va Arabic
9. Al Umoor Al Taba’iyya (Principles of Human Physis)
10. Tashreeh e Badan (Anatomy)
11. Manafi ul Aza (Physiology and Biochemistry)
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