Students Selection Interview for the IIM Media Unit
The program to select students for the media unit of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo was held on 10.01.2023 from 09.00 am to 12.0犀利士 0 pm in the Mini auditorium of the institute. #weblizar_17917 .wrgf-header-label { color: #FFFFFF !important; } #weblizar_17917 .wrgf-footer-label { color: #000000 !important; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: [...]
Long Service Awards Ceremony 2022
The Long Service Awards Ceremony of the University of Colombo was held on the 2nd of January 2023 at the FGS Auditorium under the patronage of the Vice-Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne. This year Long service awards were received by 80 employees including the Academic, Administrative, Academic Support, and Non-academic staff who have completed 25, [...]
Tribute to Staff members who retired after serving in the institute of indigenous medicine
#weblizar_17810 .wrgf-header-label { color: #FFFFFF !important; } #weblizar_17810 .wrgf-footer-label { color: #000000 !important; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 5px; text-align: center; font-weight: normal; } #weblizar_17810 .b-link-stroke .b-top-line { background: rgba(10, 194, 210, 0.5); } #weblizar_17810 .b-link-stroke .b-bottom-line { background: rgba(10, 194, 210, 0.5); } #weblizar_17810 .b-wrapper { font-family: Arial; } #weblizar_17810 .wrgf-header-label { font-family: Arial [...]
The New Year Celebration 2023
Institute of Indigenous Medicine ceremonially commenced duties in the New Year on the 02nd of January 2023, with a special function at the institute premises. The ceremony was attended by the Director, Prof. Priyani A. Paranagama, Heads of the Ayurveda & Unani Departments, and some key Academic, Administrative officers and Non-Academic staff of the Institute. [...]
Donation of the medical equipment to the Professorial units of Panchakarma unit of the National Ayurveda Teaching Hospital Borella. by Prof. S P Molligoda
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General Convocation 2021 -University of Colombo
The University of Colombo conducted its General Convocation for the year 2021 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall on 13th and 14th December 2022 under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor – Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, Rector, Deans, Directors of the Institutes, Registrar, Bursar, Acting Librarian. A total of 2992 students graduated at [...]
Sensitivity program to increase knowledge on tobacco and alcohol control and its laws among the University Students
In Sri Lanka, alcohol and tobacco use cause close to 40,000 deaths per year. As a result, it is a tragic public health issue for the nation. The National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA), is a primary stakeholder in the implementation of national tobacco and alcohol-related policies and strategies. NATA aims to improve university [...]
International Ayurveda Day-1st of November 2022 – “Ayurveda for Economic Sustainability of Sri Lanka”
The International Ayurveda Day of Institute of Indigenous Medicine (IIM) was celebrated on 1 st of November 2022. with the gracious presence of Dr. Rewant Vikram Singh, the Director of Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, High Commission of India, Colombo, the Guest of Honour Prof. D.A.C. Suranga Silva, Director IIM, Sectional Heads - Ayurveda and Unani, [...]
The inauguration ceremony of the “6th International Conference on Medicinal Plants, Herbal Products & Hydroponics (ICMPHP6)
The 6th International Conference on Medicinal Plants, Herbal Products & Hydroponics (ICMPHP6) hosted by ERA, facilitated by RCFC-NR-I, NMPB, Ministry AYUSH, Govt. of India and Co-Host by Institute of Indigenous Medicine (IIM) & Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Prince of Songkla [...]
The Inaugural Ceremony of the Indigenous Medical Education Unit, Institute Of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo
Indigenous Medical Education Unit (IMEU) of Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo is declared open on 06th October, 2022 with the presence of Chief guest Prof. Gominda Ponnamperuma (The Director Center for Quality Assurance, University of Colombo and The Head, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo), The Director - IIM, [...]