Sensitivity program to increase knowledge on tobacco and alcohol control and its laws among the University Students
In Sri Lanka, alcohol and tobacco use cause close to 40,000 deaths per year. As a result, it is a tragic public health issue for the nation. The National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA), is a primary stakeholder in the implementation of national tobacco and alcohol-related policies and strategies.
NATA aims to improve university student’s knowledge of the following issues.
1. Impact of Alcohol and Tobacco on Public Health & the real economic costs of alcohol and tobacco use
2. Psychological aspect of tobacco & alcohol use
3. Current legal aspects of tobacco & alcohol controls and achievements
4. Introducing Erc-NATA for the University Students
For this purpose, on 3rd November 2022, NATA collaboratively organized a seminar on “Sensitivity program to increase knowledge on tobacco and alcohol control and its laws among the University Students” with the Unit of Research and Development of Natural Products (URDNP), unit of Dravyaguna Vignana, Institute of Indigenous medicine (IIM), University of Colombo. There were around 200 undergraduates of IIM, University of Colombo were participated of this event. Prof. Samadhi Rajapaksa (MD, PhD) Chairman of the National Authority on Tobacco & Alcohol (NATA), and his team were participated as resource persons for this seminar. All the participants were welcomed by the Prof. S.P. Moligoda ,Sectional Head Ayurveda, and this seminar was coordinated by the Prof. Pathirage Kamal Perera , Dr. K.P.K.R. Karunagoda and Dr. J.M. Dahanayake .