Postgraduate Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in Indigenous Orthopaedic Treatment – PGDip (IOT)
This is the first Postgraduate Diploma Course developed in the field of Deshiya Kadumbindum Cikitsa; one of the major discipline in the Traditional Medical System of Sri Lanka. It is commenced on 29th April 2023. Twenty-one scholars were enrolled into the course. It is a one year PG Diploma course. PGDip (IOT) Course Syllabus and By-Laws were recommended by the Ayurveda Sectional Committee (330th meeting held on 03.06.2020) and Board of Management (467th meeting held on 24.08.2020) of IIM. The Course was approved by the Senate (462nd meeting held on 31.05.2021) and Council (583rd meeting held on 09.06.2021) of the University of Colombo. Postgraduate Diploma in Indigenous Orthopaedic Treatment By-Laws number 24 of 2021 was recommended by the Legislative Committee (172rd meeting held on 13.05.2021) and Council (583rd meeting held on 09.06.2021). University Grant Commission at its 1092nd meeting held on 15th December 2022 granted the approval to commence this Course as recommended by the Quality Assurance Council (583rd meeting held on 09.06.2021) and Standing Committee on Indigenous Medicine of the UGC. This Course stands at SLQF Level 08. It comprises 25 Credit Course including 20 Credits of Course work and 05 Credits of Research Project.
Other PG Diploma Courses will be offered by the Postgraduate and Mid-Career Development Unit:
The following Courses are approved by the Senate and the UGC.
- Ayurveda Postgraduate Diploma Courses
- PG Diploma in Panchakarma
- PG Diploma in Kaumarabhritya in Stree Swastyasamrakshana
- PG Diploma in Kaumarabhritya in Bala Poshana
- PG Diploma in Dravayaguna Vignana in Nutraceuticals product development
- Unani Postgraduate Diploma Courses
- PG Diploma in Moaelejat (IBT)
- PG Diploma in Tahafuzzi wa Samaji Tib
- PG Diploma in Amraz e Atfal
- PG Diploma in Amraz e Uzn, Anf va Halq
- PG Diploma in Ilmul Jarahat
- PG Diploma in Ilmul Saidla