Full name. Kariyakeranage Chandi Perera.
E mail: docchandi@yahoo.com
University Education:
Degrees Field University Duration
B.A.M.S Ayurveda Medicine. University of Colombo, Sep. 1979 to .
Sri Lanka. Aug.1985
M.D. Community Medicine. Banaras Hindu University, Aug.1990 to July1993.
(Ayurveda) India.
P.G.Diploma. Applied Statistics, University of Sri Jayawardanapura , June 2000 to Dec. 2001.
Sri lanka.
Professional Experience:
Positions Held:
Post Institution Period of service.
Head of Ayurveda section. Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Aug.2007 to Feb.2010.
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Acting Head of Ayurveda section Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Feb. 2007 to July 2007.
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Consultant Teaching Hospital Of Ayurveda, Jan . 1994 to date.
Borella ,Sri Lanka.
Head of the Dept. Dept . of Swasthavratta,Agada Jan.1994 to Feb.2001.
(Community Medicine,Toxicology)
Institute of Indigenous Medicine,
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Senior Lecturer Gr.I Same Feb.2001 up to date.
Senior Lecture Gr.II Same. Feb 1995 to Janu.2001.
Assistant Lecture. Dept . of Swasthavratta,Agada Jan.1990 to Jan. 1995.
(Community Medicine,Toxicology)
Institute of Indigenous Medicine,
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Demonstrator Dept.of Anatomy, Jan.1988 to Dec. 1988.
Institute of Indigenous Medicine,
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Participation in international Meetings, Seminars etc:
- Presented the research papers at Conferences & Symposiums:
Perera KC, Arawwawala LDAM, Wijeratna S, Mathew CD.”PROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF POLYHERBAL FORMULATION PALA KALYANA GHRITA.” International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine.Institute of Indigenous Medicine,University of Colombo,Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Kariyakeranage Chandi Perera, Dilani Lokuhetty, Sumeda Wijeratne, Deepal Mathew, “Standardization of poly herbal formulation Palakalyana Ghrita”. Annual research symposium, “Youth and Social Transformation-The power, opportunity and Challenges.” National Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences, NO. 6A, Sukhastan gardens, Ward place, Colombo 07,Sri Lanka. 17-18th. November 2016.
Perera K.C. Effects of Palakalyana Ghrita on Sperm parameters of male Sprague Dawley rats. Annual research symposium, National Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences, NO. 6A, Sukhastan gardens, Ward place, Colombo 07,Sri Lanka. 8-9th June.2015.
Perera K.C. Toxicity evaluation of Traditional formula Pala Kalyana Ghrita on rats. Annual research symposium, Faculty of graduate studies, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.12th October 2013.
Perera K.C, Jayalath G “Study Hypolipidemic effect of Thripala powder in adults”3rd International conference on Medicinal plants and herbal products., Faculty of Medicine & Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo,Sri Lanka, 19th-21st .December. 2011.
Perera K.C, Perera T. “Infants feeding practices among working mothers” 3rd Svastha International Ayurveda Conference, B.M.I.C.H. Colombo ,Sri Lanka. 2nd -3rd January,2010.
Perera K.C, Jaffer A.Z., “Narcotic abuses around the Colombo city”1st Svastha International Ayurveda Conference ,The College of Ayurveda, Great Linford, United Kindom. 31st March – 01st April 2007.
Perera K.C. “Management of Hyper Cholesterol through herbal Medicine.” 1st Svastha International Ayurveda Conference, The College of Ayurveda, Great Linford, United Kindom.31st March – 01st April .2007.
Perera K.C. “Management of Hyper Lipidemia among females with herbal medicaments”. 21st International conference on Women’s health & Asian traditional Medicine, 2005 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 23rd-25th August.2005.
Perera K.C. Karunarathna T.D.N, Senarathna. Indigenous plants of Sri Lanka used in poisonous stings. International Conference on the Biology and conservation of the South Asian Amphibians and Reptiles, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. August.1996.
Fernando WKBDS, Perera KC.”GASTRO –INTESTINAL EFFECTS OF SHATHAVARI GHRITA.” A review article. International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Jayasinghe KHAS, Perera KC. “CURATIVE ASPECT OF THRIPALA POWDER AND KUSHTHADI LEPA ON VICHARCHIKA” International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Samanthika RHBV, Perera KC. “ETIOLOGICAL FACTORSINFLUENCING ON GASTRITIS AMONG STUDENTS IN INSTITUTE OF INDIGENOUS MEDICINE”. International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Kumari WARD, Perera KC. “STUDY OF THE ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF THE OBESITY” International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Madushani MPK, Perera KC. “CANCERS RELATED TO CIGARETTE SMOKING” International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Nikeshala KBIS, Perera KC. “CAUSITIVE FACTORS FOR OSTEO ARTHRITIS AMONG WOMEN” International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.
Wajralekha PWR, Perera KC. “RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND DIETARY FACTORS” International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine. (5th ICAUST).27th -29th October 2017.