Opening Ceremony of the New CGU Premises
We are delighted to announce the opening of our new CGU, FIM premises, a significant milestone in our continued growth and commitment to excellence. The ceremony, held on 27th August 2024, marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for CGU, as we take a bold step forward in enhancing our capabilities and providing an [...]
Certificate awarding ceremony -UG Forum 10th iCAUST
The certificate awarding ceremony was conducted for the five best research presenters of the undergraduate research forum of 10th International Conference of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Traditional Medicine (ICAUST) 2024, organized by Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. This dual celebration underscores the faculty’s dedication to fostering innovation and excellence in the field of [...]
New Premises of URDNP Inaugurated at the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo
On August 27, 2024, the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine (FIM) at the University of Colombo marked a significant milestone with the inauguration of the new premises for the Unit for Research and Development of Natural Products (URDNP). The event was graced by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo, the Dean of the Faculty, and [...]
OBSERVING THE WORLD HEPATITIS DAY- 2024 under the theme of “Integrate Accelerate Eliminate’’
World Hepatitis Day, 28th July, is an opportunity to step up national and international efforts on hepatitis and encourage actions and engagement by individuals, partners and the public. It highlights the need for a greater global response as outlined in the WHO's Global hepatitis report of 2017. The theme for 2024 is a call to [...]
Observing the ‘’World Malaria Day’’
Theme: “Time to deliver, zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement” World Malaria Day is an internationally recognized event observed annually on April 25th and the main purpose of observing the World Malaria Day is to raise awareness about malaria, mobilize resources to fight the disease, and celebrate progress in malaria control and prevention efforts. Career Guidance [...]
UOC signs a MOU with Banaras Hindu University (BHU), India
In a landmark move towards global academic cooperation, the University of Colombo (UOC) and Banaras Hindu University (BHU) have formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marking a significant advancement in the field of Ayurveda education in the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. The agreement, signed on 28 th August 2023, emphasizes the shared [...]
Undergraduate Research Forum of 10th iCAUST and “De Aa Sukhi Dakshina” – 2024
Six oral presentation sessions and two poster presentation sessions were planned for the undergraduate students at the 10th iCAUST 2024 international conference. Undergraduate abstracts were published at the proceeding, papers were presented at the scientific sessions. With the scientific analysis 02 best poster presentations and 04 best oral presentations were selected from the 107 undergraduate [...]
Scientific sessions – The Inauguration ceremony of the 10th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Traditional Medicine (iCAUST 2024)
The “10th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine (iCAUST 2024)” and 1st international conference on “De Aa Suki Dahkshina 2024” jointly organized by the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine (IIM), University of Colombo and Department of Ayurveda, Southern Province, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. At this conference 121 delegates are presented the research findings in 17 oral [...]
“DE AA SUKHI DAKSHINA” Exhibition and trade fair 2024
The “DE AA SUKHI DAKSHINA” exhibition and Trade fair is organized for the second time by the Department of Ayurveda, Southern Province in Galle. This year the event is conducted in parallel to the international conference iCAUST 2024 & 1st international conference on “DE AA SUKHI DAKSHINA” on 9th to 11th August 2024. The exhibition [...]