Department of Unani Pharmacology

About Us

The Department of Unani Pharmacology contributes significantly to the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine by teaching and giving practical training to the undergraduates under the four main academic sections such as Unani Basic Principles (Kulliyat), Unani Pharmacology (Ilmul Advia), Preventive and Social Medicine (Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib) and Allied Health Science which runs from the first to second professionals.

At present, the under mentioned subjects are conducted by the Department.

Unani Basic Principles (Kulliyat)

  • Kulliyat Umoor e Tabaiya (Basic principles of Unani medicine)
  • Falsafa, Tareekh e Tibb vo Akhlaqiyya (Ontology, History of Unani Medicine and Behavioral Sciences)
  • Urdu wa Arabic language

Unani Pharmacology (Ilmul Advia)

  • Kulliyat e Advia (Unani Pharmacology I)
  • Mufrada Advia (Unani Pharmacology II)
  • Dawa Sazi (Unani Pharmaceuticals)
  • Kushta Sazi (Alchemy)

Preventive and Social Medicine (Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib)

  • Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tibb (Preventive and Social Medicine)
  • Ilmus Sumoom wa Tibb e Qanoon (Toxicology and Forensic Medicine)
  • Research Methodology and Medical Statistics

Allied Health Science

  • Tashreeh e Badan (Anatomy)
  • Manafiul Aza (Physiology and Biochemistry)

The academic section of Unani Basic Principles (Kulliyat) contains all the basic principles of physiological and a therapeutically aspect of Unani Medicine to educate the undergraduates and make practicing the Mizaj concept. The knowledge and skills of the studies are imparted to develop competent physicians to the world. Unani Pharmacology (Ilmul Advia) provides adequate knowledge on identification of medicinal plants and other natural substances, collection and storage procedures of raw materials, preliminary processing of raw drugs, elaborate and sophisticated methods of pharmaceutical processing and preservation of prepared Unani medicines.

The section of Preventive and Social Medicine (Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib) deals with identifying the common health problems and hazards to maintain the health at the individual, family and community levels by the principles of healthy living prescribed in Unani classical texts with the modern methods. In addition, research methodologies and knowledge and conceptual understanding of Forensic Medicine are also taught in this section. The Allied Sciences section engages in teaching and practical works which are relevant to the field of Unani as well as modern medical basic sciences subjects.

The department also conducts clinical training at the Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, educational field visits, community outreach awareness programmes, field surveys and health camps. Research related to undergraduate programmes are also being conducted by this department. The academic section of Allied Sciences includes Anatomy laboratory to facilitate cadaver dissections, and anatomical model demonstration and Physiology laboratory to facilitate students’ practical with modern equipment.

Prof. (Mrs.) N Fahamiya


BUMS (Hons) (Colombo), SEDA (Eng.)
MD Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology) (Jamia Hamdard, India)
PhD (Jamia Millia Islamia, India)

my photo(1)

Prof. M.I Manuha

Professor (Head)

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),

M Phil (Colombo),

PhD in Food and Nutrition (Kelaniya)

Dr.M.C.M Mahees

Senior Lecturer Grade I

DAMS (Hons) (Colombo),

MD (India)

Dr. A.H.M. Mawjood

Senior Lecturer Grade I

DAMS (Hons) (Colombo),

M Pharm, PhD (Osaka University – Japan),

LL.B. (Sri Lanka), Attorney -at- Law)

Dr. M.M.M. Rifaee

Senior Lecturer Grade I

BUMS (Hons), MPhil Unani (Colombo)

Dr. M.S.S. Fawmiya

Senior Lecturer Grade II

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),
PG Dip in Toxicology (Colombo) ,
M Phil Unani (Colombo)

Dr. M.S.M Nasmeer

Senior Lecturer Grade II

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)

MD Unani (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science – India)

Dr. M.N.F. Rizniya

Senior Lecturer Grade II

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo), M.Sc. (Kelaniya)

Dr. A.L.M. Ihsan

Senior Lecturer Grade II
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)
BA (Peradeniya)
MSc (Colombo)
MD (India)

Mrs. A. R Hasmath

BA (South Eastern University)
MSc (Malaysia)

Dr. A.A. Rizwana

Senior Lecturer Grade II

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),

MD Unani (Tahaffazi wa Samaji Tib)(Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science India,Benguluru)

Dr. E.M.G.K. N Begum

Lecturer (Probationary)

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)

Dr.(Mrs) A.S.F. Shifra

Lecturer (Probationary)

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)

Dr.M.M.M. Nifras

Lecturer Probationary

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)

Dr.(Mrs) M.S.F. Sapra

Lecturer Probationary

BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)


Ms. P.T.G.P. Perera
Management Assistant Gr. III

Ms. S. Nirosha
Management Assistant Gr. III