Department of Ayurveda Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology and Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics

About Us

The Department of Ayurveda Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology and Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics is responsible for teaching four core subjects at final professional of BAMS undergraduate curriculum. The academic department is situated within the faculty premises while the Clinical Unit is housed in 04 professorial units of the National Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, Borella. The department offers the Shalya Tantra (General Surgery), Shalakya Tantra (Diseases of Head and Neck including Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose,Throat and Dentistry), Streeroga Prasuti Tantra (Gynecology and Obstetrics) and Bala Roga (Pediatrics) subjects to the undergraduate study program. In addition to undergraduate training, department offers several postgraduate diploma programmers in specialized fields. Academic members serve on numerous national and international committees dedicated to the progress of subject disciplines. Several research papers have been presented locally and overseas by the academic staff as well as undergraduate and postgraduate trainees attached to our department. To date, numerous research publications have been published in indexed and peer reviewed journals arising from the work carried out in the Department of Ayurveda Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology and Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics.

Our Courses

Professor. K. P. K. R. Karunagoda

Professor (Head)

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS Ayu (Gujarat-India)

Dr. D. A. R. Sakunthala

Senior Lecturer I

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS Ay (BHU-India)

Dr. W. A. S. S. Weerakoon

Senior Lecturer I

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MPhil Ayu (Colombo)

Dr. I. A. M. Leena

Senior Lecturer I

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ayu (Jaipur-India)

Dr. Y.A.U. D. Karunaratne

Senior Lecturer Grade I

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS Ay, (BHU- India)

Dr. D. P. A. Dissanayaka

Senior Lecturer Grade II

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo) , MPhil Ayu (Colombo)

Dr. L.D.R. De Silva

Senior Lecturer II

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ayu (Colombo)

Dr. B. M. S. Amarajeewa

Senior Lecturer (Grade II)

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS Ay (BHU- India)

Dr. O. T. M. R. K. S. B. Kalawana
Senior Lecturer II

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ayu (Gujarat – India)

Dr.  R.L.Y.U. Rathnayake

Senior Lecturer Grade II

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS Ayu

Dr. K.K.V.S. Peshala

Lecturer (Unconfirmed)

BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS Ay , PhD (BHU-India)

Dr. B.S.M.M. Sooriyarachchi


BAMS (Hons) (Colombo)

Ms. S.P. Geethajeevanee
Senior Staff Management Assistant

Mr. M.G.C.B. Gunawardena
Management Assistant Gr. III