About Us
The College of Indigenous Medicine was established in 1929. It became a part of the University of Colombo in 1977 and developed as the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine (FIM) in 2023. Department of Basic Principles, Ayurveda Anatomy and Physiology is one of the departments at FIM established under the Pre-clinical Sciences. It serves as a multidisciplinary division for the faculty with the vision of being nucleus of the BAMS undergraduate course and the mission of producing competent committed graduates for local and Global service.The aims and objectives of the department includes to provide Ayurveda medical graduates with knowledge and skills to practice Ayurveda medicine scientifically contributing to research in basic and applied Anatomy and Physiology (Ayurveda and Modern) in collaboration with other disciplines and institutions achieving the ultimate goal of providing a supportive environment for optimal teaching, learning, research and self-development for the students. Presently, the department is engaged in undergraduate and postgraduate level teaching, practical work and research that are relevant to the field of Ayurveda as well as Modern medical basic sciences under well qualified academic staff.The Department of Basic Principles, Ayurveda Anatomy and Physiology offers the subjects Padartha Vignana and Ayurveda Itihasa (Ontolgy and History of Ayurveda), Sanskrit, Maulika Siddhanta and Samhita (Basic Principles and Samhita), Shareera Rachana (Anatomy) and Shareera Kriya (Physiology and Biochemistry) for the students. It deals with the study of the subjects Padartha Vignana and Ayurveda Itihasa and MaulikaSiddhanta through the Samhitas (classical texts) like Caraka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, andAshtangahridaya Samhita for their scientific exploration and validation. These are the subjects which help to understand the philosophy of Ayurveda. Students who learn Ayurveda philosophy get many benefits. The basic tools taught by Ayurveda philosophy help to make a complete Ayurveda physician and their great use in further education and in employment. In addition to this, the department offers basic Sanskrit language for students in order to get the meaning of texts and terminologies. The subjects Shareera Rachana and Shareera Kriya deals with the structure and functions of the body in both Ayurveda and Modern perspectives. Anatomy laboratory facilitates for cadaver dissections. Pathology Section, Anatomical model demonstration hall and Physiology laboratory are established with modern technological equipment for the students’ practical purposes.
Our Courses
Associate Prof. S. P. Molligoda
Associate Professor
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), M Phil (Peradeniya), MD.Ayu (Jaipur- India)
MD Basic Principals & Samhita(India)
M Phil Darshana & Manovidya(University of Peradeniya)
, PhD( Kelaniya)

Associate Prof. P. R. Waratenne
Associate Professor
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo),
MD Ay (BHU-India),
P.G. Diploma in Psycology, PhD (Jaipur- India) ,PhD (India)

Dr. I. G. P. R. Kulanatha
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ay (BHU-India),P.G. Dip. in Community Development (Colombo)

Dr. M. R. M. Wickramasinghe
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ayu (Jaipur- India)

Dr. M. W. S. J. Kumari
Senior Lecturer Grade II
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ayu (Gujarath- India),PhD (Jaipur- India)

Dr. Asoka Gunasekara
Senior Lecturer Grade II
BA (Hons), MA, MPhil (Kelaniya), PhD (Kelaniya)

Dr. Priyantha Kumara Wendabona
Senior Lecturer Grade II
Royal Pandit (Sri Lanka), BA (Hons) Peradeniya, MA , MPhil, PhD (JNU-India)

Dr. D.A.L. Munasinghe
Senior Lecturer
BSc (sp) Hons in Human Biology, MSc (Peradeniya) ,PhD

Dr. P.A.S.N. Silva
Lecturer (Probationary)
BAMS (Hons) BA, MA (Pali and Buddhist University)

Lecturer (Probationary)
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo)
Pg Dip – Clinical Biochemistry (Peradeniya)

Ms.Sachini Amarathunga
Management Assistant Gr. III

Ms.AMMS Lakshani
Management Assistant Gr. III