About Us
Employment of all the excellent for (physician, drugs, attendant, patient) in case of disorder of dhatus with the object of (reestablishing) their equilibrium is said as therapeutics.
The Institute of Indigenous Medicine was inaugurated in 1929. Since its establishment, the unit of Kayachikitsa has been an integral part of the Institute. On March 1, 2023, the Institute of Indigenous Medicine became the 10th Faculty of the University of Colombo, known as Faculty of Indigenous Medicine. As a result, the academic unit of Deshiyachikitsa also merged with Kayachikitsa to form the Department of Ayurveda Medicine and Indigenous Medicine. This department is one of the major clinical departments of the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine and it is committed to providing innovative and world-renowned training in Ayurveda and the Traditional system of medicine, aiming to develop the next generation of Ayurvedic medical physicians who can offer better health services to the community.
The Department of Ayurveda Medicine and Indigenous Medicine excels in teaching, research, and clinical services related to Ayurveda and Traditional medicine, focusing on both curative and preventive aspects. It provides innovative Ayurveda and Indigenous Medical education and delivers competent and compassionate patient care at the Ayurveda Teaching Hospital in Borella.
The department offers core clinical training in Ayurveda Clinical Medicine and Traditional systems of Medicine to Undergraduate Level III, Level IV, Level V, second and final Professionals, and Postgraduate students. We provide high-quality clinical experiences in various disciplines to ensure that our students meet the highest professional standards and understand the path of Ayurveda and Traditional System of medicine for disease prevention and the treatment.
Our academic members have expertise in Ayurveda clinical medicine, and also involve traditional physicians as external resource members who contribute to teaching and healthcare delivery. With the support of our dedicated staff members, we aim to achieve our goal of advancing health education and healthcare both nationally and internationally.
Furthermore, the fields of Kayachikitsa and Deshiyachikitsa/Traditional medical system encompass various prominent disciplines such as Nidana Muladharma, Kayachikitsa, Panchakarma, Rasayana, Vajeekarana, Manas Roga, as well as Kadumbindum, Sarpavisha, Unmada, Akshiroga, Gediwanapilika, Vidumpillissum, Devumpillissum and Mandam Vedakama etc. respectively. Moreover, the Traditional system of Medicine involves unique medical preparations, prescriptions, pharmaceutical products, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic techniques. The incorporation of Deshiyachikitsa aims to protect, preserve, develop, and propagate the traditional system in Sri Lanka.
Additionally, our successful partnership with the Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, which emphasizes innovation and care, enables us to attract top medical minds and conduct undergraduate and postgraduate research studies. Our department strives to lay a solid foundation for the next generation of healthcare leaders.
Aims and Objectives:
- To provide excellence in teaching, research, and clinical services in Ayurveda that incorporates modern scientific knowledge equipping students with comprehensive therapeutic knowledge and skills.
- To offer quality undergraduate and postgraduate education in Ayurveda Kayachikitsa (diagnosis and treatment), addressing the country’s need for highly qualified Ayurvedic medical experts, researchers, and teachers in Kayachikitsa.
- Cultivate partnerships and collaborations nationally and internationally.
- To train future healthcare leaders committed to improving patient care and well-being.
- To provide students with an in-depth knowledge of various indigenous medical expertise.
- To facilitate students in practicing indigenous medical expertise and utilizing local natural resources to alleviate and prevent diseases.
- To preserve and propagate the traditional system of medicine in Sri Lanka.
- To develop students’ skills in preparing desheeya kasaya (decoction), guli (pills), churna (powders), taila (oils), patthu (paste), mallum, and other traditional medicinal preparations.
- Foster innovation and research in Ayurveda and Traditional medicine.
- To promote the integration of traditional medicine in healthcare.
By pursuing these aims and objectives, The Department of Kayachikitsa& Deshiyachikitsa strives to make a significant contribution to the field of Ayurveda and Traditional medicine.
Our Courses
Prof. R.D.H. Kulathunga
Professor (Head)
BAMS (Hons), MD Ay (BHU- India), PhD (Gujarat -India)

Prof. S.M.S. Samarakoon
BAMS (Colombo), PDAHM (SUSL), Dip Yoga (BHU, India), MD Kayachikitsa (BHU, India), PhD Kayachikitsa (GAU, India), PhD (SUSL), MA (Sociology) (USJP)

Prof. K. R. Weerasekara
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MPhil Ayu (Colombo), PG Dip. in Hospital Management (Sabaragamuwa), PhD (Kelaniya)

Prof. H. G. S. P. Hewageegana
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), PG Dip. in
Community Development, MPhil Ayu (Colombo), PhD (Kelaniya)

Dr. A. G. Samarawickrama
Senior Lecturer Grade I
MPhil Ayu (Colombo)
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo)

Dr. E. D. T. P. Gunaratna
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MPhil Ayu (Colombo), MD Ay (BHU-India), PG Dip. in Health Development (Colombo)

Dr. K. I. W. K. Somarathna
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ayu (Gujarat- India)

Dr. R. H. S. K. De Silva
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), BSc (Open University ), PG Dip. in Env. Sc.(Colombo), MD Ay (BHU- India)

Dr. N. D. N. Jayawardhana
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Ay (BHU- India)

Dr. W.K.T Dushmantha
Lecturer (Probationary)
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo)
MSc in Human Nutrition (WUSL) (Reading)

Dr. S.K.A.C.S Senanayake
Lecturer (Probationary)
BAMS (Hons) (Colombo)
MSc in Food and Nutrition (UOP) (Reading)

Ms. W.S.N.M. Widanagamage
Management Assistant Gr. III