About Us
The Department of Unani Clinical Medicine is mainly dealing with the undergraduate’s Clinical programmes of the BUMS curriculum. The main objectives of our department are to identify and diagnose the problems at the first level of case according to the Unani concept as well as modern science and be able to refer whenever necessary, and manage the conditions as per the Unani system of medicine.
This Department was initiated by incorporating Four Clinical Study Units namely, Units of Moalejat (Unani Clinical Medicine), Ilmul Jarahat (Unani Surgery), Amraz e Niswan va Qabalat (Unani Gynaecology & Obstetrics), and Deshiya Ilaj (Traditional Medicine) when Institute of Indigenous Medicine was converted to Faculty of Indigenous Medicine. The clinical programmes start from second professional stage. Subjects of Usool e Tashkhees, Sareeriyat va Ilmul Amraz (Unani Pathology), Kulliyat e Ilaj (Fundamentals of Therapeutics) and Pathology are taught in the second professional BUMS programme and in Final professional, all the clinical subjects such as Unani clinical medicine, Moalejat (General Medicine), Ilmul Jarahat (General Surgery), Amraz e Ain, Anf, Uzn, va Halq (Diseases of Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose, Throat and Dentistry), Amraz e Niswan va Qabalat (Gynecology and Obstetrics), Ilmul Atfal (Paediatrics), Deshi Ilaj (Indigenous Medicine in Sri Lanka) are taught by this Department.
The clinical training is mainly provided at the National Ayurveda Teaching Hospital (NATH), Borella with the participation of the teachers of the Department of Moalejat and the Unani Physicians of the NATH. The practical sessions of Deshi Ilaj are conducted at NATH and various Traditional Physicians’ clinics. The department has established a separate section to develop Regimenal therapy skills recently, in order to further upgrade the Regimenal therapy modalities to meet the growing demand. Therefore, it plays an important role in disseminating knowledge and developing skills of the undergraduates with expected competencies which are vital to their sustainable and successful career as medical practitioner and researcher.
We have adopted interactive teaching methods in our teaching practice such as student- led seminars, Reflective practice, self – directed learning, case studies, short clips, group activities, assignments etc. In addition to the undergraduate programmes the academic members are involved in teaching and training of the Postgraduate scholars. Further, they also provide healthcare service to the public at the NATH on an honorary basis. The Department conducts community-based programmes such as Health camps, Health promotion awareness programmes at various places including using electronic and Mass media.
The Department of Unani Clinical Medicine has 16 permanent academic members, 8 temporary demonstrators, and many visiting lecturers.
Prof. M.S.M Shiffa
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo), MD Unani (Jamia Hamdard – India),Phd in Unani (Jamia Milia Islamic) L.LB(OUSL) Attorney at Low

Prof. (Mrs). M.U.Z.N.Farzana
BUMS (Hons) (SL), MSc in Plant Cell & Tissue Culture (Merit) (SL),
MS in Ilmul Qabalat va Amraze Niswan

Dr. M.L.U. Salma
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),
MD Unani (University of Health Science Vijayavada -India)

Dr. M.H.M. Hafeel
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),
PG Dip in Health Development (Colombo),
M Phil Unani (Colombo),
MD Unani (Moailjat) (-RGUHS,Bengaluru-India)

Dr. M.H.M. Nazeem
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BUMS (Hons)
MPhil Unani (Colombo),
EMA (Ceylon Medical College Council)

Dr. A.H.A. Fazeenah
Senior Lecturer Grade I
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),
MD Unani (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science – India)

Dr. A.M. Muthalib
Senior Lecturer Grade I (Head)
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo)
PhD (University of Peradeniya)

Dr. H. Nizamdeen
Senior Lecturer Grade II
DAMS (Hons) (Colombo),
MD Unani (University of Health Science Vijayavada India)

Dr. M.H. Faslul Haq
Senior Lecturer Grade II
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo), MPhil Unani (Colombo)

Dr. J. Rumaiza
Senior Lecturer Grade II
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),
MS Unani (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science India)

Dr. M.C.N. Razana
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo),
MD Unani (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science – India)

Dr. (Mrs) A.F.M. Joonus
Senior Lecturer Grade II
BUMS (Hons) (Colombo), MS in Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraz-e-Niswan (RGUHS, Bengaluru, India)

Ms. P.W.H. Anoma
Senior Staff Management Assistant

Ms. P.G.A.D. Peramuna
Management Assistant Gr. III