Academic Unit of Amraz e Niswan, Qabalat va Atfal
The academic unit of Amraz e Niswan, QabalatvaAtfal basically offers lectures and practical trainings on Unani Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics and assist the smooth functioning of 270 direct student contact hours in the course units of Amaraz e Niswan (Gynecology), Qabalat(Obstetrics) and Atfal (Pediatrics).The total credits offered by this academic unit are 19 (lectures 180 hours and practical 210 hours). Therefore, the academic unit plays an important role in disseminating knowledge and developing skills of the undergraduates with expected competencies which are vital to their sustainable and successful career as medical practitioner and researcher.
The main Objectives of our academic unit are to Identify common Paediatric, Gynaecological and Obstetrical problems and compare & Contrast the pathological changes based on Unani and modern medical systems, to Guide the caregivers to promote and maintain health during childhood, reproductive age and menopausal period, Manage paediatrics, gynaecological & Obstetrics problems with appropriate Unani treatment modalities and to refer when necessary and Handle normal labour and identify major deviation and refer cases to the relevant institutions if required. The specific Strategic Objectives are uplifting infrastructure facilities and Establishment of skill Laboratory.
We have adopted interactive teaching methods in our teaching practice such as students led seminars, Reflective practice, self – directed learning, case studies, short clips, group activities, assignments etc. at the end of the semester, students’ feedback is obtained from each and every student to improve the quality of teaching. Also, peer-review assessment is practiced to enhance the teaching modality of lecturers.
In order to assure the quality of our academic unit, we ensure implementing various practices such as, strictly following assignment deadline, using video clips to demonstrate deliveries, conducting academic unit l monthly meetings with student representative etc.
Strength of our academic unit is arranging public awareness programs on nationally and internationally declared health related days, weeks, and months. Respective programs are conducted in the schools and other areas where relevant target group is identified.