Workshop on X-ray Imaging Technologies
The workshop (1st batch) on X-ray Imaging Technologies was successfully conducted on 12th of August 2023 from 9.00am to 4.00pm at the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. This workshop was organized by Dr. (Mrs.) AM Muthalib (Head) and Staff of the Department of Unani Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine under the patronage of the Senior Professor (Chair) HD Karunaratne, Vice Chancellor, University of Colombo and Professor. Pathirage Kamal Perera, Dean, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine. This workshop was organized as a Continuous Medical Education (CME) programme aimed at keeping indigenous healthcare professionals up to date with the recent advancement in modern medical technologies. This workshop was conducted by the resource person Mr. Thangaraja Amalraja, BSc. in Radiography (University of Peradeniya), MSc. in Medical Physics, MPhil, PhD (Reading) (Faculty of Nuclear Science, University of Colombo) and coordinated by Dr. (Mrs) AFM Joonus. Academics, Ayurvedic and Unani Medical Officers have participated in this workshop.