4th National Symposium on Traditional Medicine 2016

4th National Symposium on Traditional Medicine 2016

We extend our cordial invitation to participate in the 4th  National Symposium on Traditional Medicine 2016 on “Healthy Women  for Wealthy Nationorganized by the Institute of  Indigenous Medicine (IIM), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka on  3rd  June 2016.

The aim of the symposium is to encourage academics, medical officers, young researchers, and students to collaborate with traditional practitioners in multi-disciplinary fields who   is being practiced in the area of promoting maternal and child health. It will also provide a venue for participants to openly discuss and learn more on role of Ayurveda, Unani and traditional  system of medicine in maintaining women and child heath in 21st century.


“Healthy Women for Wealthy Nation”

The basic premise of Ayurveda/ Unani system of medicine is keeping the state of balance between us and the environment. Our environment includes our work, family, people, seasons, place of residence, travels, hobbies, sports, diet, sleep, sex and so on. Everything interaction with our environment can influence positively or negatively in our health.

Healthy women always considered as fertile soil in Ayurveda / Unani system of medicine that the health of the entire civilization depends heavily on the health of its women. There are detailed descriptions in Ayurveda / Unani system of medicine on antenatal, natal and post natal care of the mother and child. Also these systems have very effective  management for subfertility.

Many of the chronic, metabolic, hormonal, and degenerative diseases are not having effective solutions in modern medicine. In Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine, these conditions have very effective time tested remedies which are natural and holistic at the same time free with minimal effects.

Sub Themes

The symposium focuses on,



Inauguration and Scientific Sessions will be held at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya

Important Dates


Visit official website for more details: http://iim.cmb.ac.lk/nstm2016

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